Some great websites!

I love finding new web sites that are actually useful to me. I was reading some articles at PC World and a couple of blogs and found the following sites:

1. WikiHow - This site has a lot of great "how-to" articles. It has "everything from changing your name after marriage", to "how to remove a tick" to computer tips, to personal finance, and more.

2. - - this is a great free encyclopedia site. It brings in information from many reliable sources and is peer reviewed and checked.

3. Fixya - Free computer and technology help and support site. Also has many user manuals available.

4. Hard to Find 1-800 numbers - - maintains a listing of 1-800 numbers for companies. It is easier to find numbers on this list than on some companies own websites. 

Free stuff is always a good thing, and even better when the free stuff is useful and of good quality. Share your ideas with us.